The Research Instruction and Patron Services SIS is proud to announce the release of the 18th Annual National Legal Research Teach-In Kit. Each year in conjunction with National Library Week, RIPS creates a Teach-In Kit containing fresh materials for use in your institution's promotional and instructional activities. This year’s kit includes legislative history materials (some of which are in Spanish—a first for the kit), a primary and secondary source matching game, a human rights presentation and guide, online tutorials, syllabi, various research assignments, and many other wonderful materials.
The 2010 Teach-In Kit is available at:
An overview of the kit as well as kits from previous years are available now at:
Thanks to all this year's contributors, as well as the Teach-In Kit Committee: Gail Partin, David Lehmann, Laura Ax-Fultz, and Shawn Nevers.