Friday, February 25, 2011

ProQuest LibGuides

As you may have heard ProQuest has acquired LexisNexis Congressional.

In addition to finding information on the ProQuest Congressional Wiki, users can now also find relevant information for Congressional, as well as other ProQuest products, through their LibGuide. The ProQuest LibGuides are currently divided into three categories: Current Bibliographies; Getting Started; and Quick Start Guides.

Additionally, users can also suggest future guides and receive email alerts when new guides are published.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Quick Access Guide: Links to Law Library Research Guides/Pathfinders

This guide contains links to ABA accredited and provisionally credited law school libraries that have access to their research guides electronically either on the library’s website or through LibGuides. Some court and public law library guides are also included. Schools marked with an asterisk (*) did not have a link to electronic guides readily available and the link listed is the library home page. This does not mean that these schools do not offer research guides, just that I did not have access to their guides electronically at the time of this guide. The list of schools appears in the same order as it does on the ABA website. Please send any suggestions or corrections to

To access the guide click here.